Thursday, October 18, 2007

Personal Reflections

Now that we are halfway through the book I would like you to reflect back on what you have read, discussed in groups and in class. Please share with your peers what are your favorite or most memorable part of the book is so far. In addition, express what you have learned through A Long Way Gone.


Anonymous said...

this book is very detailed Ishmael Beah realy take us in to that time one part of the book that i can't take of my mind is the part on the first 2 chapter that he describe a women runing with her baby on he back that had been shoot when she finaly set to look at her baby the eyes were open and you can see the inocence on her face when i finished read that paragraph tear was caming down my face. I have learned that life is very hard to some people we have a lot of things and don't value those things and the children from the book if the had the chance to change country on that time they will do just not to go through what they whent through. laryssa Ferreira ESL 082-073

Anonymous said...

The part where Ishmael loses his family is the most memorable moment for me. I felt so bad for him. I wish that Ishmael never saw Gasimu, but not for the same reason that Ishmael had. Ishmael wished that he never saw Gasimu because it took the time away from him to see his parents. But I wish that he didn't hear Gasimu telling him that his family was there waiting for him. If Ishmael never heard this he wouldn't know for sure that his parents were in the village and they were burned alive. Gasimu's words of proof gave Ishmael too much hope to have all of his hope taken away when he saw the pile of ashes. Too sad. Specially because he was so close to meet them. Elaine santos

Anonymous said...

I've learned that life sometimes seem to be unfair but we always have to be strong and not give up and what is suppose to happen to each of us, it will happen if we don't give up. Ishmael is a really good example of strong person and it is clear to see that he survived all those things because there is a purpose for his life! Elaine Santos

Anonymous said...

A Long Way Gone shows the reality of our society. It is hard to believe that war can destroy you an every thing that surround you. Ishmael had a normal life until those inadaptable people finished whit it. I have found lot of memorable success but the principal was the first chapter. It made me think that the life is not buying and that you can lose it when you menus think.Diana

Judith said...

Diana- which one are you?
Gra or Gu?

Anonymous said...

well this book has make us feel bad abaut Ishmael for everything that had happend to him,The moment went he kills for the first time is not my favorite but is shocking how can you become a mersenary that kills wiyh no mersy on people. my personal opinion life teach everyone a simple lesson, What ever you do or go throught as long as your doing the right thing you will always going to feel save with your self.

lax1268 said...

The most memorable part for me is the part concerning Saidu in chapter 10. What happen to him and his family, when he said he dies in spirit each time they were attacked, and when he finally died quietly in the night. I learned that a person can die even if he or she is not physically sick, if his or her mental and emotional state is sick. Ishmael and his other friends survived because they have the will to survive, Saidu died because he lost the will to live. Larry ESL-082-073

agoh said...

I did say that i don't like war and any story about,but a long way gone convinced me even if i didn't finish it yet.the war and all its miserable deaths sounds real for me now.i feel like all those kids and persons who killed or had been killed.the most memorable part for me is the story about the family of each friend of is true that war has its deaths but it is really hard to believe how pleasure people have to kill each it a game or a movie for them? kids would probably say yes, it is a movie,maybe the one that ishmael told about in the beginning of the book.thanks ishmael for your work!god bless you brother.

Anonymous said...

Jose Wrote:

Well, I like the book not only because is a real life story but also because it is very well written. The author gives to us many different ways to “read”; in fact, he writes between lines. We have to go much deeper to “catch” the many possibilities of reading.

He does not exhaust a subject in one chapter; on the contrary, he gradually, in each chapter, supplies more and more details, for example, the information that he provides about their religions and worships. In fact he uses the Sierra Leone’s social-political-economic structure not only as background but also as a instruments to understand his own story.

Ishmael is a truly poet. He use poetry to describe places, moments and also his own feelings. I was amazed by his sensibility.

I'm ready for the second part of the book. How he will tell us the other side of his journey.


Anonymous said...

As we know from the book, the rebels began the war, and they said that they were fighting for freedom.However, we didn't see that because they were killing everyone they could catch and see.They attacked innoncent people village to village.They killed people badly even small children.They took innocent belongs by force.This is the most memorable for me in this book. From Haova ESL 082-072

M.Beverley said...

The most memorable part of the book for me is when the nameless man helped Ishmael and his friends .Their feet were so badly burnt that if they didnt recieve this kind of treatment, they wouldn't be able to run away from anyone that tries to capture them,also the love he shows them was remarkable.It is the best example of humanity showed to them in the book.
M.Reid 089

M.Beverley said...

This book had a double effect on me. I was very angry that these children were used to fight war,I cried when I read some parts of the book,especially when they were given brown brown. And again with his comment that killing was "as easy as drinking water."I was very happy when I got to the point where they were taken by UNICEF.
M.Reid 089

roho said...

I realized, free people like us always complain of tiny problems, making ourselves depressive; however we don't know that inside other places, like sierra Leone is passing through wars, making our problems smallest comparing theirs. The most memorable part in the book I will remember is when the RUF destructed the village where Ishmael’s family was waiting. I decided that moment because loosing your family is something that nobody wants to pass through. At the moment, I was reading that chapter I got furious because Ishmael was so impatient for seeing them at least one moment, and he couldn’t.

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of this book is when Ishmael recruited to the army and during the war.I have learn alot from this book,special about the ways life could change faces. This book taught me that issued in could change anyone presonality,and sometime if you do not flow with it,it could cost more. However life its unfair, perhaps have no choice. Example the fact Ishmael and companions recruited. Also make me believe that you should do your best for yourself while life is going on, moreover have hope while you still living.The changes of Ishmeal attitude and personality.From Armando in Esl 082

Anonymous said...

This book has many terrible situation in Beah's life. I am glad that he can show us reality of the war.I have read my friends comments and I of course agree with them.
The most memoriable momentfor me was when Beath become soldier.He not only had to use gun but also kill people.I could feel his fear.Because of war young bues had brainwashing. Beath who in the past was a good,happy boy become killer.Now I understand how much war can damage people.In spite of Beath save his life, he never will be this same boy like before. Being seperated from his sguad he miss them already and also fighting, gun and drugs.He can not live without it.
Monika ESL 082-073

maria g said...

This book has a lot of things that have impressed me, every time I read one of the many terrible situations Ishmael passed through I feel so sad and I always ask myself how come he still alive? Because I think that if I had been in his situation, I would have died long time ago and I wouldn't be as he is right now. I really admire him, I think not everybody could get a life back after all things he had to lived, but even I believe it hasn't been easy for him get recover from that, he is a brave men and this book is a good way for him to let everybody know what is the real situation in many countries as Sierra Leone and what become in a boy soldier really means when you are just 12 years old and you have lost your family and everything in your life. This book has made me appreciate more everything I have in my life; my family, my home, every day that god gives me to live. For me, one of the terrible moments that impressed me a lot was when his family were killed, it was a horrible situation because he couldn't even see them before that; and then, when he became in a soldier and he started that new life when he killed people, got drugs, and finally lost all his innocence.

Anonymous said...

I'm writing just to say how much I like to read those comments. It's so much different things that we read and see here about what each one of us had learned that make me think and learn more also. It's been really good to have this blog, and to have in class the discussion. It's helping me to start reading things more deeply.
Elaine Santos

mayra said...

The part that I liked the most in this book was when the man who didn't wanted to give his name helped to Ishmael and his friends.
This book is really interesting for me because I've never hearded or seen a war like this. Now I can imagine how it is in countries that are having similar wars.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoy the whole book. This book has such a powerful story of the life of Ishamel Beah and boys soldiers in Sierra Leone in this case that i cried in every chapter that i read. I agrred with ferreira we don't appreciate the things that we have sometimes. I have the same feeling with Elaine because the most memorable for me was the part when Ishmael lost his family. This particular chapter made asked myself what would i do in this world without my family. They are the most important for me in this life. I can't image the world without them. Ishmael is a good example to fallow because he lost his family, was using drugs, scape from dying many times, and never gave up. he is one of the person that i called gladiator. Nadia Volquez esl-082-073

Anonymous said...

A long way gone is a good book , because Ishmael is a good writter , but it is too violent.It makes me feel impresive, sometimes nervous, sometimes it made me cry and to tell you the thuth if it isnt requered for the semester I probably will had stopped in the second chapter.
The good point of the book is know that Ishmael is alive, actually that why i am ok with the book , the fact that he wrote that makes me feel more relief.
The part the i most like was when he was alone in the forrest , because I felt as if "I was there with him ". Definetly Beah is a great writter
Verusca Reis

Carmen said...

ESL 082 - 072
I enjoyed the part in the rehabilitation center. The nurse not only without pressure but also with a soft and imperceptibly attitude, envolved Ishmael in the rehabilitation process, so that he couldn't reject her help.