Thursday, October 11, 2007

Military Training

In chapter 12, Beah joins the army. He describes his training and the techniques that were used to make him and the others angry (pg 112). Are you surprised by any of the training ? If he had been recruited into the RUF do you think his training would have been much different? If you have personal military experience, would you please share with us how your training was similar or different to Beah's.


lax1268 said...

I was surprised with their training. They used anger, hatred, & revenge as motivation. They made effecient soldier out of the children by brainwashing them. RUF is also doing the same technique. In the Philippines we are trained to protect the people and serve the country. We go by the constitution and by laws.- Larry esl 082-073

Carmen said...

ESL 082 - 072
I'm not surprised by this way of training. Military pupose was exactly that, guys be angry and looking for revenge from rebels. RUF could be doing worse through drugs and vices.I never was trained by military.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Carmen, the rebels would make worst things to achive there goals of making them kill with no fear or guilt of what there doing. I have family in the service in my country and here an from what i been told they train you to kill for justice and to always make the right decition.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Carmen and Juan. The training was very hard, but Corporal Gadafi didn't treat boys as bad as RUF would do. I believe if the rebels caught boys, they probably would kill those kids immediately or give drugs and brainwash them.

roho said...

Of course it was impressive, although worse things had happened before. Although the way that lieutenant confused the children in the village was cruel because I think he killed the family that left the village. He tried to get the children scare to escape, thus they would join his army. I don’t think he may have been better in the rebels’ training because they could have tricked him with drugs or killing more people. In that village they gave him protection for a while but then he had to pay that protection. I never have any experience on military stuff.

Anonymous said...

HAOVA ESL 082-072
I don't have personal military experience,but Beah's training in the army wasn't surprise for me because they tried to defend themselves from the bad and dangerous enemies(RUF).The army wasn't like the rebels who killed the innocents people. They tried to protect the people and defend themselves. The way that the rebels acted was surprised me, when they forced the boys to have sex with their mothers.What kind of human being acted like this? I have never seen anything like this in my life.

agoh said...

No surprise and no comment.we call it basic is like a soccer game and they need a strong can't face a rebel with a big smile,no way.A rebel is an evil.And we knew already the story of any one of the boys.the training we have here is almost nothing.

Anonymous said...

RUF not only trained young boys for revenage their families but also tried to protect the others who were in village. In my opinion they taught them good strategy of the fighting against rebels which brains were already demage.We know already that rebels killed people and later made fun of it.Corpolar Gadafi had to be tough for boys and show them what really war means. Monika 082-073

mayra said...

I think this is the way they should be trained. The only difference is that the military make Ishmael and his friends to focus in the bad thinks that the rebels had done to their families in order to give them the strength to kill their enemy. With the rebels could be worse because they have bad behavior. I have never been in the military.

Anonymous said...

military do kind of the same training o ruf ex. make them strongs and get them angry .militaries are training to serve the country too ,as lax said . But in my country military fight for our benefits but the thing is that rebels has another waY to train them that for me is not even traine they gave young boys drugs and alcohol but in my country they are trained with knowledge and courage .

esl 082-072

Anonymous said...

im not surprised because as in the book said was bad to be with the army and worse with the rebels so as they describe this you may have an idea what will be the training for the army .the army have advantage because they use the death of the family or family member to bring memory to the childen and make them mad easy and they will learn fast because they want revenge for their family members and for they own life.
laryssa ferreira esl-082-073

Anonymous said...

In the circumstances of civilian war it was the best possible training for young soldiers.
I think that the main goal of any military training is to clean fear in front of the weapon and to create an image of the enemy. For my opinion there were regular steps of training. If the boys would be recruited by RUF the main point would be intimidating and “blood chain”.

from svetlana veltman 10/16/07

maria g said...

I think that is the war, people have to get into horrible things like that kind of training and kill people without reasons, this is not a surprise but made me feel so bad the way they manipulate the emotions of those kids and finally took away the last piece of kindness they had, for me, the difference between fighting in this army and in the RUF is that at that moment they were getting a reason to fight for, even tough it wasn't a good one because it was for revenge but they knew that those rebels were guilty people because they had killed their families and innocents without reason, but in the RUF they would be manipulated by getting drugs and being forced to fight or they would get killed, and at that point they would do it just for fear and it would be worse for them to have to kill innocent people just for being forced to do it.
I never have been trained by military.

Jose Herrera said...

I was surprised that Lieutenant Jabati told the people that they were free to leave the village if they didn't want to fight against the rebels, knowing that as soon as any of them walked out of the gate, he or she would be shot by the RUF, which meant that no matter what way they took, they were risking their lives. I think if the rebles had caught Ishmael in that village, they would have killed him immediately without letting him explain anything.

Anonymous said...

I agree lax1268 opinion,because they motivate them with anger, hatre, revenge and the lieutenant basicly let them know if they not with them its death a head.RUF is the same probably a little bit worst.This from Armando esl-082 .

Anonymous said...

In my opinion with the rebel the tranning could be even worst but anyaway in order to tranning soldier I thinks thats the way that " has to be ". Verusca Reis

M.Beverley said...

In my country I have never seen such treatment to our people,children are not involved in war.I was agast when I read how these boys were trained,drugs,voilence ,hatred,these are all hard stuff for adults much more children.Didnt they have lawsor government?

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.