Thursday, October 4, 2007

Naming Ceremony

In chapter 10 on pages 75-7, Beah talks about his naming ceremony. He describes the preparations, the procedure and its importance. In your culture, do you have such a ceremony? When and where does it take place? Who presides over the ritual? What is its significance to the family and community? Read your classmates responses and see what similarities you have with them.


Anonymous said...

I'm from Dominican Republic and we have a ceremony like this when the first baby is born. In my family we don't do ceremonies like this because we take the baby to church and show him/her to Jesus at the church.

Anonymous said...

Nadia Volquez ESL082-073 The first comment. I forgot to put my name under the comment.

lax1268 said...

we don't practice naming ceremony in my country. The name of a child is usually given right after the birth of the baby which is agreed upon by both the husband and wife.The name had been chosen long before the child had been born. However we do have a baptismal ceremony as part of our Religious practice. It is a ceremony done in church by a priest or pastor where in the baby is dedicated to Jesus and become a member of the Christian community. Larry 082-073

Carmen said...

ESL 082 - 072
We don't practice naming ceremony in my coulture.His/her name is chosen between husband and wife, then we register them into the Civil Registration in order they become new citizens and get an ID#.However, we have a baptismal ceremony in a church precided by a priest, and the new born become a member of the Christian community.

Judith said...

Carmen, please tell everyone what country you are talking about.

lax1268 said...

In Phillipines, we don't practice naming ceremony. The name of a child is given right after the birth of the baby. However we do baptismal ceremony as part of our Religious practice, it is done in the church by priest or pastor where in the baby is dedicated to Jesus and become a member of the christian community. Larry ESL 082-073

roho said...

In my country; Ecuador, the people is use to name the baby when they just born, although the baptism is the ceremony. This ceremony is important for the parents of the baby if they are Catholics. After the baptism, the parents throw a party because they feel happy. During the party everybody is able to touch the baby and say the parent felicitations. However, I think in my country and others celebrate a new life.

Anonymous said...

In Madagascar, we don't have naming ceremony because the parents give their child's name after the birth. Still, we have baptism ceremony at the church that is done by the priest showing the child is son or daugther of God.Moreover, if the child is boy, we have circumcision ceremony, but this one is later like after the fourth or fifth birthday of the child. This is from Haova 082-072

Anonymous said...


I was born in Russia, and as I remember from my childhood not only it wasn’t any special name-giving ceremony but also it was forbidden. Later on in my 20’s, my family immigrated to Israel. In this country name-giving ceremonies are very important, especially if born child is a boy. Parents usually consult with Rebe what name to give the son or the daughter. For boys this ceremony includes procedure of “sircumcision”.
In the past it was only religious ceremony but now it includes new features of the present time.

mayra said...

I'm from Ecuador, and we do have a naming ceremony. This ceremony is more important for the parents of the child because this is the first time that they bring the baby to the church to give thanks to God for this baby, and to show him to the comunity, and the baby has a name in this ceremony, usually we do this when the baby just born. This ceremoy is not made from all ecuadorians this may de different by religion.

Anonymous said...

i agree whith the comment of lax i´m from Ecuador and i know that the name of a child is chose by both the wife and the housband before the birth of the baby and we do baptismal and is very important for most of the catholic people because its means that the baby will be part of god family the baptism is made in a church and the priest put holy water in the head of the baby so that means that the baby is now blessed by god and a son of god .
But i agree with mayra too because this tradition it depends of what kind of religious you are .some people don´t believe in god some people do .

Anonymous said...

I'm from colombia and in my country we dont do any naming ceremonies. We have baptism but that depends on your religion not on the culture. Im catholic and in my religion the priest is the one who named the child to God. The significance is that you are free of the sins you was born with but like i said is all religion and not a cultural thing.
Miryan M

Anonymous said...

It's really interesting how each country have your way to do it. In my country Brazil we do like in Carmem's country. We don't have a ceremony, but we have a baptism and sometimes a little party for the family! Elaine Santos

JUSTYNA said...

I'm from Poland .In our country we don'nt have also a naming ceramony. The name for baby is given by a parents. Than we have a baptism in a church.This ceamony is very important because the new born become a member of the Catholic community.

Anonymous said...

Well as a catholy or christian we usually take the baby to church and the priest baptis the baby by putting his forhead in holy water. This way his soul is pure and God and the religion is introduce to the baby as the first step in the holy bible of becoming a bless chill....

agoh said...

Ivory Coast has 61 tribes,so 61 languages.In my ethnic group,naming ceremony is really is more important when you are,respect,every thing is given to the kid during this period.i think naming ceremony is like birth day here.ok,my case is a good example:my mother has 6 kids .3 boys and then 3 girls.ok.i'm the position name is ondjesson,and every year at the same period there is a ceremony for is the same thing for anyone.i have lot to say is really interesting.

Anonymous said...


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