Sunday, November 4, 2007

Foreign Student Voice

I am sorry to confuse you all but made a mistake. The submissions for the Student Voice are due this week 11/6. If you have not already done so, please email your submissions to me as soon as possible.

There will be no blog posting this week as I want you to prepare a submission for the Student Voice. Any questions please come to office hours or email me.


agoh said...

letter to ishmael beah.
dear ishmael!
i'm really happy that the war is really over.behind of you, a long way had gone with your youth life and all your is a sad event that you will probably never forget.i'm really sorry that all those things happened to you so fast in your short young life,but it is life and some realities can't be the writer china achebe from nigeria said:" it is the beginning of the end".end of the war and the beginning of a new life.
i read your book and my satisfaction about this is great.don't ask me if i like it;you know my answer already'i love it.i read it completely and i think i'm really lucky to read this kind of book.i usually hear about war by news ,but hear about war by someone you did in his youth age is another thing.and your experience about this make a huge difference.i imagine esealy what kind of war you made,a horrible one.sorry i finish tomorrow.

lax1268 said...

How de Agoh!