Thursday, October 18, 2007

Personal Reflections

Now that we are halfway through the book I would like you to reflect back on what you have read, discussed in groups and in class. Please share with your peers what are your favorite or most memorable part of the book is so far. In addition, express what you have learned through A Long Way Gone.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Military Training

In chapter 12, Beah joins the army. He describes his training and the techniques that were used to make him and the others angry (pg 112). Are you surprised by any of the training ? If he had been recruited into the RUF do you think his training would have been much different? If you have personal military experience, would you please share with us how your training was similar or different to Beah's.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Naming Ceremony

In chapter 10 on pages 75-7, Beah talks about his naming ceremony. He describes the preparations, the procedure and its importance. In your culture, do you have such a ceremony? When and where does it take place? Who presides over the ritual? What is its significance to the family and community? Read your classmates responses and see what similarities you have with them.