Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Dear students,
This semester we will be using a blog to discuss A Long Way Gone. It is important that before you write you read what others have written. I not only want you to respond to what I have written but also to what your peers have written. Two ESL 082 classes will be using this blog regularly. Please always sign in to use the blog so that we know who is writing.


roho said...

hello miss. I'm Rogelio alias Roho. See you

Enrique Medranda said...

Hey Judith, my name is Enrique Medranda from ESL 082-072, and I'm very curious to know what the book is about.

marilyn said...

hi, my name is marilyn and i am very happy to be in your class.:)

Miryan said...

Hi!! my name as you can see in the display is Miryan..right now im kind of nervous about the book but at the same time i feel excited...

mayra said...

I like to read in my free time, but I haven't read the book yet

francis said...

Hi!! dear friends i can't wait to start read this book..........

Barbara said...

To be honest I am really excited about reading this book. It is so interesting.

Jose Herrera said...

I am very excited to start reading the book.

Haova said...

I have read the first chapter, and this book looks kind of interesting.

Maria said...

The novel seems intersting for me.
I like novels. Especially history books about war. I don't know why , bult wars are exciting for me.

JUSTYNA said...

I've already started to read this book and even I read only a few chapters I think it will be a very intersting lecture.

Baldo said...

Hi, I'm Baldo one of your students. I hope to pass your class. Last semester i was reading The unwanted. I hope the book of this semester is exciting.
see ya...

Maria G said...

hello! my name is Maria and I think reading this book is going to be very interesting!

Carmen said...

Carmen said:
Hey Judith,I'm Carmen. Right now I'm a little bit nervous; however I'm very interested in reading the book
September 11/07

Joe said...

Hi there,

I just started to read the book.
I'm really enjoying it because I love to learn about other cultures even when we are reading about a such sad subject.

Anonymous said...

hello miss I'm stephanie Cobos from ESL 083 and I really happy to be in your class you're so nice .bye

Verusca said...

I am kind of nervous but I am also excited as some of my classmates. The book seems to be a good book and I really hope it is because we do have to read it anyway rigth?

LARYSSA said...

HI Judith
I'm going to start to read the book this weekend i hope it is a exciting book because a lot of people are talking about .

Nadia Volquez said...

I can't wait to start reading this book. A long way gone will be a good book to read i guess.

kowal said...

I will have so much funn with this book!!!

Unknown said...

Hi everyone :)
I'm glad to be on this blog. I'll wtite with you soon.

seb said...

Hi Judith,

Thank you for invotation to your blog. I hope to get so much fun as all crazy bloggers have working on this project.


Unknown said...

My name is Iwona, and I can't wait to start reading "A Long Way Gone". I heard that it is a great book.

elaine s said...

This is my first time in this blog and im very excited about reading all the informations about this one!

juan C giraldo said...

Im not very good at reading, but i will try my best to start and finish the book. Good luck to all .

agoh said...

Hello class!

Anonymous said...

Helloo!! My name is Diana. I think this book is going to be interesting for us.

Svetlana said...

Hi friends! My name is Svetlana.It is my firs year in UCC. I hope it will be very interesting.

Diana said...

Hi Judith, I'm Diana from your 073 reading class. I am ready for this new book that looks interesting.

AJmoney said...

hey!i'm money, i'm really interest of knowing what this book is base on.

piazzi said...

I just started read the book...

Anonymous said...

my name is Paola A Villamil and I am in your reading class (ESL 082).I want to read this book.

claudia said...

Hello Judith my name is Claudia y hope the book is going to be interesting. I'm excited about that. esl082

kulwinder said...

hi, this is kulwinder. This is my first semester at ucc. i realy enjoy reading.

lax1268 said...

Hi Miss Judith, I am Larry Fronda from ESL 082-073.I had started reading the book and as I go along the pages, I found it interesting and shocking at the same time. Children at their early age have turn into a monster.

lax1268 said...

Hi Miss Judith, I am Larry Fronda from ESL 082-073.I had started reading the book and as I go along the pages, I found it interesting and shocking at the same time. Children at their early age have turn into a monster.

Carmen said...

Mrs. Judith:
I have started reading the book and it looks pretty interesting.

Carmen said...

Mrs. Judith:
I have started reading the book, and it looks pretty interesting.

ESL 082 072

Anonymous said...

I've read the first four chapters of this book, and it's heartbreaking storie.I don't understand why those rebels killed the innocents civilians like that,especially the small children and women.

Anonymous said...

Hello Judith, it's me Haova Rakotoarivo. I've read the first four chapter of the book, and it's really heartbreaking storie. I don't understand why those rebels killed the innocents civilians like that,especially the small children and women.

agoh said...

killig again,i can't believe.i need peace please.i don't want to read this book.i don't like it at all..i don't want to know anything about boy rebel or boy soldier?

Anonymous said...

Agoh is not liking it but I am .Although it is very sad and make us feel fear and be worried we all know that he is ok now.I am thinking a lot about the others kids that still there what could be done actually I dont know if the war still on ,is it ?
verusca reis 082 7:40

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello There, this is JOSE

I just want to bring here one of many “reactions” that I got when I was watching the movie “Blood Diamond”.
In the middle of the movie I was completely amazed about the one of the main character line. He decided to go after his son instead keep looking for the Diamond he had burred.
Dicaprio (I forgot his character’s name) appointed the gun to him to force him to come back to their “path” to diamond. He said: “Shoot me, I am already dead anyway, doesn’t make difference” – In that moment of the movie I was in shock. Although I know that in some societies the Man figure still more important than woman, specially in some religions where the women is basic to procreation, But the character went to extreme, he left his wife and daughters behind and considered himself dead because the loss of his boy – I understand his pain, but in that momment for me it was something really bad to say. I said to myself: “This is the Hollywood “trick” to dramatize the scene.

Well, I went back to my routine, catch the train in morning and read the book i"a long way gone" in may way to work. Suddenly on page 77 I was reading Ishmael's description of his name-given ceremony - he said: “ The elders started to feast first, all eating from one plate. The men did the same, then the boys, before the women and girls had their share” – O my God!!! The movie wasn’t “wrong” after all; they have their social pyramid scale, the elders on top (man only), the men, and the boys and last and least the women in girls. Now is understandable that line in the movie mentioned above, if in a
”party” the social scale must be followed, imagine in a situation in which a son is lost! Wow! This social rules are even stronger and visible in this kind of situation.

Living and Learning, or should I say, reading and learning!?