Friday, September 14, 2007

Liberation Movements

On page 14, Beah states "I had heard from adults that this was a revolutionary war, a liberation of the people from a corrupt government." Unsurprisingly, he questions this, for he can not comprehend how a liberation movement can shoot innocent civilians including children. This was not the first nor will probably be the last liberation movement to kill innocent people. Why do you think this happens? Can you share any examples of liberation movements that have gone bad (from your country or any other country)?


Enrique Medranda said...

Well, I think this happens, just to grab attention of people's opinions, so they can reach their objects which is to liberate people that are under the pressure of that kind of Government.

Judith said...

I don't quite understand what you mean. Are you saying that the liberators are killing just to get the attention of the innocent or the attention of the corrupt government or of whom?

Enrique Medranda said...

I meant to get attention of the public, like all poeple in the world, so they all can express against that goverment with the purpose to get more strength...

Baldo said...

yes, taht is truth, in my country i have seen that many times.
One time in a province everybody hit and burned to their mayor; because they believed he was a thief and dictador.

marilyn said...

Liberation movements happens because there are some people who want to defend their ideas but there are always people who are against them.I think that this could be solve without violence because no matter who win there will always be innocent death people who pay for them.

Anonymous said...

I think this happen most of the country.One day,this happened to my country while our old president didn't want left his position even he didn't win the election.People knew that he lost the vote in 2000.SO, People against him and his team.He ran away to France,and from then, he didn't come back to my country.This is from Haova

Miryan said...


Miryan said...

i think that this happen because because they want to get attention from the government, they think if they hurt innocent people they would get what they want...for example in my country we got couple of revels against government.. they put granades in cities they kill kids women and man they confront militaries...why they do this?? because they think this way they show they got power..they think goverment would stop doing what revels dont like... they think this way they would do whatever they feel with government.. but they have to realize that they are wrong...

roho said...

Hello miss. How you doing? Yea, it happened in my country. And I think this has always happened in all the country that are changing. In fact, they kill the innocent people, because they, the rebels want the government to fight against them. And this sometimes happen when the rebels or politics want to confuse the people to join them to fight like all presidents around the world has been doing during this millennium.

lax1268 said...

This things usually happen when the people are no longer happy with the present government. Where leader became greedy and dont care about their people anymore. I should say Iraq could be one of the example of liberation that gone bad.

Larry ESL 082-073

Anonymous said...

juan said...

I just want to said that intil now the book has been very good, i hope that all of you think the same...

September 18, 2007 5:52 PM

agoh said...

political ideology.talking about liberation and killing innocent civilians.that is the truth about any ideology as ''comminism-liberation-revolution'.here,we need to be in the place of any rebel to understand what they did.what the word liberation or RUF means for them?that happens because of the real purpose of the RUF.i want to be clair.any revolution has a main purpose and in this case is to get the presidential.and the fast way they have is to kill every body.

agoh said...

A good liberation movement is always the one where the leaders fight peacefully.i can give some name,NELSON MANDELA,GANDHI,LUTHER KING.they fought for a reasonnable cause against a system .but fight against somebody because you don't like him is nonsense.i have lot to say.

M.Beverley said...
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Carmen said...

ESL 082 - 072
Liberation movements appears as a result of lacking attention from government to population, mainly poor people in their elementary necessities. For example in my country appeared a group of rebels who started kidnaping, then killing wealthy people demanding from government deep changes in their social, economical, and political issues. Of course, they were eliminated on time in a confrontation among them and the police and army.