Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Are people inherently good or bad?

In the film Blood Diamond, the teacher, Benjamin has a conversation with Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) about people. They discuss if people are inherently good or bad. What do you think? Are people born good and then become bad, or are we born bad and are taught to be good? Perhaps you have a different way of looking at things. Please share your opinion and thoughts.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lessons form Grandparents

Being in the forest brings back memories of Beah's grandparents. On page51, he remembers one visit when his grand father points out medicinal leaves and trees and on page 53-4 retells a fable that his grandmother had told him. Why do you think he retells these accounts. Can you share any similar account(s) that you have had with your own grandparents or elderly relative?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Liberation Movements

On page 14, Beah states "I had heard from adults that this was a revolutionary war, a liberation of the people from a corrupt government." Unsurprisingly, he questions this, for he can not comprehend how a liberation movement can shoot innocent civilians including children. This was not the first nor will probably be the last liberation movement to kill innocent people. Why do you think this happens? Can you share any examples of liberation movements that have gone bad (from your country or any other country)?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Dear students,
This semester we will be using a blog to discuss A Long Way Gone. It is important that before you write you read what others have written. I not only want you to respond to what I have written but also to what your peers have written. Two ESL 082 classes will be using this blog regularly. Please always sign in to use the blog so that we know who is writing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

welcome to a new semester

my name is will van dorp. i teach ENG 112. my class is using A Long Way Gone also. i hope the reactions of my students to the book by ishmael beah will enhance the reading experience for all of us.